Aktuelle Ausschreibungen
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nachfolgend möchten wir auf für MalakologInnen interessante Ausschreibungen aufmerksam machen:
Polnisches Malakologisches Seminar
Die Ausschreibung des Polnischen Malakologischen Seminars ist verfügbar →Announcement
Das Seminar findet vom 8. bis 10. Mai 2025 in Krobia bei Toruń (Polen) statt. Die Anmeldung, der Titel und die Art der Präsentation sowie die Rechnungsangaben (falls erforderlich) müssen bis zum 16. März 2025 eingereicht werden.
Master-Thesis Ausschreibung
Masterarbeits-Themen über den Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt im Mittelmeer werden von Paolo G. Albano angeboten. Der praktische Teil soll vor Ort an der Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Neapel (Italien) durchgeführt werden. Nachfolgend die Ausschreibung von Paolo G. Albano:
I am offering thesis topics on biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean Sea to be conducted at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, Italy. The study will address biodiversity loss in the eastern Mediterranean by quantifying taxonomic diversity in living assemblages and compare it to a baseline reconstructed from death assemblages. The thesis is thus suitable for students in both the life and earth sciences.
More context is available in this paper: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2020.2469
The student will sort benthos samples learning to distinguish the most frequent phyla of marine invertebrates and will then learn to identify molluscs at the species level. Indeed, students interested in molluscan diversity will find a particularly welcoming and entertaining working environment!
Data analysis is focused on comparison of species richness in living and death assemblages to quantify change and is better conducted in the R statistical environment. Reporting will follow home institutions‘ expectations.
Students are expected to spend at least four months in Naples to conduct lab work, preferably starting in early September 2025. Data analysis and thesis writing may be conducted back at home institutions, despite data analysis is more easily supervised in person.
Interested candidates may contact me at pgalbano@gmail.com
Dr. Paolo G. ALBANO, Ph.D. (he/him)
Senior Scientist, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology, Naples, Italy
Research Associate, Department of Paleontology, University of Vienna, Austria