2018 Workshop of the Alpine Land Snails working group


Since 30 years the Alpine Land Snails working group has been organizing excursion workshops dedicated to recent projects in malacology, frequently with emphasis on Alpine land snails. Colleagues from Austria and many other countries have met to present results, exchange experiences and perform joint filed trips. The 2018 Workshop will take place from Sunday August 19th to Thursday 23rd in Johnsbach, Gesäuse (Styria). The program includes excursions, presentations on mollusc research and a small field study. Furthermore we will, as always, have intense discussions and a lot of “snail fun”.

If you are interested to participate, please contact us (Helmut Sattmann, +43-1-52177-329; team@molluskenforschung.at).

We will send out the final program as soon as possible.

All images: Michaela Sonnleitner