Arianta 10 just published
UpdatesThe current issue of our scientific journal ARIANTA has just been published online:
Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Patzner, R. A. (Eds.). (2023). Arianta 10. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. CITE DOWNLOAD
We are particularly…
Lecture “Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln”
Events, UpdatesThe zoologist and landscape planner Dr. Michael Duda will give a talk (in German) at the Haus des Meeres in Vienna on the subject
Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln
Monday 20. March 2023 at 18:30
Haus des…