Merry Christmas

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,

we look back on a very successful year 2024, with the publication of the MoFA-journal Arianta 11, with online contributions on snails in the garden, a series of Ö1 broadcasts on the mollusc fauna at Bisamberg and the Alte Schanzen and a MoFA excursion to Bisamberg.

Before the publication is after the publication: We are asking for submissions of manuscripts for Arianta 12. If you have interesting observations, investigations, reports on molluscs that you would like to publish with us, please send your manuscript (as a Word text file) including figures and tables to by February 28, 2025. Please note the guidelines for authors when submitting your manuscript.

Further current malacological news are listed below:

  • Polish Malacological Seminar 2025
    The seminar is a event of the Polish Malacological Society, which is traditionally held in Polish. However, there will also be an English part for international guests, so that all interested parties have the opportunity to participate. The venue is the Hotel Ambasada ( in Krobia (about 15 km from Toruń). If you are interested in participating in this special seminar, please contact us by e-mail at Our president will send you all further details and information.
  • New publication “Bibliography of post-Linnean literature on the recent molluscs of Austria, III.”
    The latest version of the “Bibliographie nach-linneischer Literatur über die rezenten Mollusken Österreichs” by Reischütz et al. (2024) is available online:
    Reischütz, A., Reischütz, P. L., & Fischer, W. (2024). Bibliographie nach-linneischer Literatur über die Mollusken Österreichs, III. (Stand 30. Juni 2024). Erste Vorarlberger Malakologische Gesellschaft. → PDF

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2025!