Dreissena polymorpha Muscheln © MoFA© MoFA

Scholarship for young mollusc researchers

A generous donation from one of our association members has enabled us to offer a MoFA research grant for the first time. We are particularly pleased about this as it allows us to fulfil our primary purpose of promoting research on molluscs. The…
Trochulus sp. auf grünem Petasites-BlattMOFA, S. Bamberger

Current calls

Dear MoFA members and friends of malacology, we would like to draw your attention to the following interesting calls: Polish Malacological Seminar The second announcement of the Polish Malacological Seminar is available →here The…
Gastropoden bei der Ausstellung „Streck die Fühler aus“ des Biodiversitätszentrum Linz 2019, © MoFA© MoFA

Save-the-date – 4. MoFA-Meeting, 26.–27. September 2025

We are very pleased to announce the 4th MoFA meeting! It will take place from 26-27 September 2025 in Linz, Upper Austria. On Friday 26.9., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in the Biology Center Linz. On Saturday 27.9., there…