Entries by Sonja Bamberger

Scholarship for young mollusc researchers

A generous donation from one of our association members has enabled us to offer a MoFA research grant for the first time. We are particularly pleased about this as it allows us to fulfil our primary purpose of promoting research on molluscs. The detailed conditions and specifications of this call can be found in the […]

Current calls

Dear MoFA members and friends of malacology, we would like to draw your attention to the following interesting calls: Polish Malacological Seminar The second announcement of the Polish Malacological Seminar is available →here The seminar is held on 8-10 May 2025 in Krobia near Toruń, Poland. The registration, title and proposed type of presentation, and […]

Save-the-date – 4. MoFA-Meeting, 26.–27. September 2025

We are very pleased to announce the 4th MoFA meeting! It will take place from 26-27 September 2025 in Linz, Upper Austria. On Friday 26.9., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in the Biology Center Linz. On Saturday 27.9., there will be a malacological excursion in the region, details will follow. We […]

Event announcement: Landscape maintenance for Helicopsis in Bad Fischau-Brunn

On Saturday 22.2.2025 from 1 – 4 pm, the Landschaftspflegeverein Thermenlinie will host a landscape maintenance event at the natural monument of dry grassland in Bad Fischau-Brunn. The highest-ranking protected species in this area is the Austrian heath snail Helicopsis austriaca, which is endemic to Lower Austria. Visitors can find an information board on-site provided […]

Merry Christmas

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology, we look back on a very successful year 2024, with the publication of the MoFA-journal Arianta 11, with online contributions on snails in the garden, a series of Ö1 broadcasts on the mollusc fauna at Bisamberg and the Alte Schanzen and a MoFA excursion to Bisamberg. Before the […]

ARIANTA – call for papers

Dear members and friends of MoFA, Our beautiful and widely read and cited journal ARIANTA is not only a publication platform for scientific malacological articles, but also an important medium for the association both internally and externally. The editors of the journal ARIANTA and the board of MoFA would be delighted to receive submissions of […]

The Danube freshwater nerite – certainly no evil snail

The flood disaster on the Perschling River in Lower Austria has affected us all deeply, especially the incredible and outright false reports claiming that Theodoxus danubialis or the protection of this snail has delayed or even prevented the dam restoration. We have compiled a fact sheet of the snail in order to better understand its […]

MoFA excursion Bisamberg 2024

Dear friends of malacology! On 27 September 2024 we plan to go on a malacological excursion to the Bisamberg and the Alte Schanzen in Vienna under the guidance of Michael Duda and Katharina Mason. The excursion is a joint event with the Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Austria (ZooBot). We would like to explicitly invite all those […]