FAQ on the Spanish Slug Arion vulgaris
UpdatesIs the Spanish slug native to Austria?
The origin of the "Spanish" slug is not 100% certain. It is certain that it does not come from Spain, and it has also been disproven that it originally came from Central Europe, as a study from 2014…

Arianta 11 just published
UpdatesDear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology!
We are very pleased to present the latest issue of our scientific journal - ARIANTA 11.
Haring, E., Sattmann, H., & Patzner, R. A. (Eds.). (2024). Arianta 11. Verlag des Naturhistorischen…

Latest news
UpdatesDatabase with identification key for terrestrial gastropods online:
After nearly three years of work, member Rudolf Kapeller's comprehensive database on European mollusks, now including the identification key for terrestrial gastropods, is…

New newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg
UpdatesDear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,
the 20th edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg has just been published.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!

Current calls
UpdatesDear MoFA members and friends of malacology!
We would like to draw your attention to the following interesting calls:
The inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn is awarding two scholarships for Master's theses with topics from biology,…

Molluscan Forum 2023
UpdatesDear friends of Malacology!
The Molluscan Forum organized by the Malacological Society of London will take place on Thursday, November 16th.
The extended deadline for registrations and talk applications is Friday, September 29th.

Call for applications
UpdatesThe Bielefeld University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Evolutionary Biology, has the following job opening:
Research Position (PhD candidate) in Evolutionary Genetics
Topic: Phenotypic plasticity in the freshwater snail Physella acuta

Call for applications
UpdatesDear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,
we would like to draw your attention to some interesting job postings:
The LIB Hamburg is inviting to apply for the position of Technical Assistant in the Malacological Collection.

Program of the 3rd MoFA meeting 2023
UpdatesDear friends of malacology!
We are pleased to share the program for the 2023 MoFA meeting. It will be a very diverse and exciting meeting. Of course, spontaneous participation is always possible and we welcome all interested people!

New newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg
UpdatesDear friends of malacology,
we are pleased to share the latest edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg.
We hope you enjoy reading!