Arianta10. Foto: A. MrkvickaMoFA

Arianta 10 just published

The current issue of our scientific journal ARIANTA has just been published online: Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Patzner, R. A. (Eds.). (2023). Arianta 10. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. CITE DOWNLOAD We are particularly…
Caucasotachaea vindobonensis, Foto A. MRKVICKA Alex Mrkvicka

Lecture “Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln”

The zoologist and landscape planner Dr. Michael Duda will give a talk (in German) at the Haus des Meeres in Vienna on the subject Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln Monday 20. March 2023  at 18:30 Haus des…
Hydrobioids of the Kalkalpen national park ©NHM WienNHM Wien

Publication on hydrobioids of the Kalkalpen national park

The MoFA award winner of 2021 Hannah Schubert MSc has recently published the results of her master thesis together with colleagues, in which hydrobioids of the NP Kalkalpen are also compared with others from Austria. BIG THANKS again to all…

Journal Arianta Early View

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology! The compilation of issue 10 of our scientific journal ARIANTA is proceeding. In order to present the first prepared articles ahead of the publication of the definitive issue, we have placed…
Planorbiella durieui© A. Mrkvicka

Merry Christmas

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology! We wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023. We are looking forward to many wonderful malacological events and especially to the 3rd MoFA meeting.
Newsletter (Salzburger Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft)Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Haus der Natur, Salzburg

New newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg

Dear friends of malacology, we are pleased to share the 18th edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg. We hope you enjoy reading!

Reminder – MoFA excursion in autumn 2022

For the MoFA excursion on 22 September with the topic Mollusc fauna of the Miocene seas of Lower Austria, there are still spots available. Registrations are possible until 13 September at The participation is…

Invitation to submit manuscripts – new “early view” system

Dear MoFA members and people interested in molluscs! We invite you to submit manuscripts for the new volume 10/2023 of our association´s journal Arianta and we are pleased to announce the following innovation for submissions: From now on,…
WCM Logo 2022Webmaster of WCM website

WCM 2022 in Munich, Germany

The World Congress of Malacology (WCM) is the tri-annual Unitas meeting, with its 60th birthday in 2022. In 2022, the conference is organised on behalf of UNITAS Malacologica by a team from LMU, SNSB and the TU Munich directed by the president…
Newsletter (Salzburger Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft)Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Haus der Natur, Salzburg

New newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg

Dear friends of malacology, we are pleased to share the latest edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg. We hope you enjoy reading and wish you a nice summer!