Call for Submissions for Arianta 8
UpdatesDear MoFA community!
We can look back on a very successful year 2019, with two excursions, two presentations, the MoFA annual conference in Salzburg and finally the publication of Arianta 7, the current volume of the societies' magazine.

36th Polish Malacological Seminar in Wisla – now also with English-language presentations!
Events, UpdatesThe „Association of Polish Malacologists“ is organizing its “36th Polish Malacological Seminar” in Wisła (Silesian Beskids, Poland) from May 7th to 9th, 2020. The venue is the Hotel Pod Jedlami; https://www.podjedlami.pl/
For the first…

UpdatesFr, 28. 2. 2020, 7.00 p.m.
Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Christa FRANK
Humans and mollusks - a comprehensive topic affecting a wide variety of areas of life. It is not only the fascinating beauty of the shells that are washed ashore at coasts not…

DARWIN-DAY 2020: Strategien der Langsamen – Evolutionsforschung an alpinen Landschnecken | Vortrag Schlossmuseum Linz
Events, UpdatesDear Friends of Malacology,
EUROMAL triennial series of conferences started in 2000 and since then they have visited 8 different venues all over Europe. The 9th European Congress of Malacological Societies will take place in Prague, Czech…

Arianta 7 published
UpdatesWe are pleased to announce that Arianta 7 has been published:
Arianta 7 includes the abstracts from the first MoFA Meeting 2019 in Salzburg, excursion reports and original papers. In this volume, you find also the instructions for authors.…

11. October 2019 MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in their full splendor” in the Biology Centre in Linz, Upper Austria
2:00 pm Guided tour through the mollusc collection in the depository of the Upper Austrian Museum in Linz
Meeting point in front of Lindengasse 7 in 4040 Linz
4:00 pm Biology Centre Linz, visit of the current exhibition "Stretch…

MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in all their glory
UpdatesDear friends of malacology!
In the course of the accompanying programme of the exhibition "Stretch out your feelers!" - Snails in all their glory (17. 05.2019 – 01. 03.2020 at Biology Centre Linz) there will be several mollusk-related activities,…

Final program for the 1st MoFA-conference on 26th-27th June 2019 in Salzburg
UpdatesDear friends of malacology!
With pleasure we send out the final program for the MoFA conference, which will take place on 26th - 27th June 2019 in Salzburg. The program is very diverse and we are happy to meet the participants next week and…

Verleihung der MoFA-Junior Awards im Rahmen der 1. MoFA-Tagung 2019 (en translation)
UpdatesThe presentation of the MoFA Junior Awards to participants of the first MoFA conference was one of the highlights of the meeting. The award was given for the best talk and the best poster by participants in early career stages. We thank all…