Database with identification key for terrestrial gastropods online:

After nearly three years of work, member Rudolf Kapeller’s comprehensive database on European mollusks, now including the identification key for terrestrial gastropods, is available online and freely accessible – it’s definitely worth a look!

Ö1 Radio Series “Vom Leben in der Natur” (in German):

Der Zoologe Michael Duda spricht über die Molluskenfauna am Bisamberg und den Alten Schanzen.

Podcast (available in Austria):

Part 1: Trockenrasen als bedeutender Lebensraum
Part 2: Erfreuliche Funde seltener Arten.
Part 3: Alte Schneckenrelikte in jungen Wäldern.
Part 4: Künstliche Gewässer als Refugium.
Part 5: Vielfältige Formen der Fortpflanzung.


Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,

the 20th edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg has just been published.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!


Dear MoFA members and friends of malacology!

We would like to draw your attention to the following interesting calls:

The inatura – Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn is awarding two scholarships for Master’s theses with topics from biology, ecology and earth sciences related to the nature of Vorarlberg.
We would be happy to find Master students who choose a malacological topic!

Two Master’s theses per year are funded. Each scholarship is awarded €1,500 plus €1,000 for accommodation and travel expenses.
Applications may be submitted between November of each year and January of the following year:
Start of application: 01 November
Application deadline: 31 January
For further information see the call for applications (in German) and the inatura homepage.


PhD student for a DFG (German Science Foundation) funded project on the biogeography of New Caledonia based on phylogenomic analyses of the freshwater snail family Tateidae

Location: University of Greifswald’s Zoological Institute and Museum, working group of Prof. Dr. Martin Haase
Deadline: 31 January 2024
More information: Research Assistant/Doctoral Student – Zoological Institute and Museum 23/Wi25


Mollusc of the Year 2024

Nominations for the International Mollusc of the Year 2024 are requested:
Nomination deadline: 3 January 2024

FIVE molluscs will be selected for a public vote in 2024, and the winning mollusc will have its genome sequenced in the LOEWE Translational Biodiversity Genomics centre in the Senckenberg institute in Frankfurt, Germany.



Dear friends of Malacology!

The Molluscan Forum organized by the Malacological Society of London will take place on Thursday, November 16th.

The extended deadline for registrations and talk applications is Friday, September 29th.
Registration is free!

Research students, post-doctoral researchers, undergraduate students starting molluscan projects, and amateurs engaged in substantial projects that have not yet been published are invited to present their work. Any topic related to molluscs is acceptable to be presented. Talks (~12 minutes), quick fire talks (~3 minutes), or posters may be offered: call and registration form.

In-person talks will be broadcasted, and there are limited spaces in two virtual sessions for people who are not able to travel to London.

Please send any registration forms or correspondence to

Barcoding of Austrian molluscs

The Bielefeld University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Evolutionary Biology, has the following job opening:

Research Position (PhD candidate) in Evolutionary Genetics

Topic: Phenotypic plasticity in the freshwater snail Physella acuta

Application deadline: 18.10.2023

More information: Link

With beautiful weather, the 3rd MoFA meeting took place at the Wassercluster in Lunz am See from August 18-19, 2023. With 10 presentations from a wide variety of malacological fields, we had a diverse program. Highlights of the meeting were the contributions of the candidates for the MoFA awards. We congratulate the winners: Sophie Greistorfer, Nikolaus Helmer and Sonja Bamberger!

As a culinary surprise, tastings of the Common Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum) from a Viennese garden were offered after the award ceremony.

A big thank you goes to the staff of the Water Cluster, who not only supported us on the day of the conference but also helped us to organize the excursion around Lake Lunz on Saturday. All participants including the children enjoyed the excursion, especially the boat trip!

We would like to thank all the speakers and organizers who contributed to the success of this small but nice conference.

Abstracts and program of the 3rd MoFA meeting can be found here, in the next issue of our journal, ARIANTA 11 these and other recent articles will be published.


Hypselodoris bullocki

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,

we would like to draw your attention to some interesting job postings:


The LIB Hamburg is inviting to apply for the position of Technical Assistant in the Malacological Collection.

Deadline for application is 11 August 2023.
For more information and application:


Senkenberg Frankfurt is hiring two staff positions to help get more marine invertebrate species assessed for the global IUCN Red List:

1 team lead, who will take over as the coordinator of MIRLA and should have extensive previous experience with the IUCN Red List.

1 assistant who will be doing Red List assessments for marine species; here, on-the-job training will be provided.

Deadline for both positions is 7 August 2023.
More information, job descriptions, and application instructions are available here:


Dear friends of malacology!

We are pleased to share the program for the 2023 MoFA meeting. It will be a very diverse and exciting meeting. Of course, spontaneous participation is always possible and we welcome all interested people!

Registrations via
Please refer to our homepage for further details.

We are looking forward to a great meeting!

Dear friends of malacology,

we are pleased to share the latest edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg.

We hope you enjoy reading!

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology!

Help in locating occurrences of the Great Pond Snail Lymnaea stagnalis is requested:
Prof. Seppälä and his team from the University of Innsbruck are examining the effects of heat waves on snails and their parasites in the research project SNAILPOP.

If 5 or more specimens of L. stagnalis are found at a location in Austria or adjacent Bavaria, please complete the following survey form:

Detailed information and data entry form

If you have further questions, please contact

Please spread the word in your area – every record helps!