The MoFA conference is getting closer!

Date: 18-19 August 2023 in Lunz/See, Lower Austria

Your early registration will make our planning easier!

Registration deadline and abstract submission extended! 30 June 2023 → Webpage

We are excited to already announce our keynote lecture:
Gerhard Haszprunar (LMU München) – Molluscan Nephridia – a Story of Underlying Synapomorphies

Contributions from all areas of malacology are welcome and this year there will be again the MoFA Junior Awards for the best oral presentation as well as the best poster from participants in early career stages (e.g. Master, PhD studies).

We look forward to meeting you in August!

Cepaea nemoralis

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology,

the OÖ LandeskulturGmbH is inviting to apply for some positions for the digitisation of the Evertebrata collection, focusing especially on the molluscs and the insects!

We cordially invite you to the 3rd Meeting of the Mollusc Research Association Austria (MoFA), which will take place from 18-19 August 2023 in Lunz/See, Lower Austria.

Besides the scientific programme on Friday, there will again be a malacological excursion around the area of Lake Lunz on Saturday.

We would be pleased if scientists from all phases of their scientific career could participate in the conference allowing intense communication between colleagues. Contributions from the various fields of malacology are welcome!

Again this year there will be the MoFA Junior Awards for the best oral presentation as well as the best poster from participants in early career stages (e.g. Master, PhD studies).

Please spread this announcement to interested people in your area.
The conference language is English.

We ask for registration as early as possible in order to be able to plan realistically, but at latest by 15 June 2023.
We look forward to meeting you in the summer!

Details and registration

The current issue of our scientific journal ARIANTA has just been published online:

Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Patzner, R. A. (Eds.). (2023). Arianta 10. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. CITE DOWNLOAD

We are particularly pleased to cover with this issue a wide variety of topics, ranging from land snails, freshwater mussels, and marine molluscs to a historical contribution, two obituaries and a book review. We thank all the authors, reviewers, proofreaders and editors, for their contributions and commitment!

The zoologist and landscape planner Dr. Michael Duda will give a talk (in German) at the Haus des Meeres in Vienna on the subject

Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln

Monday 20. March 2023  at 18:30

Haus des Meeres Wien, Lecture Hall


Infos und Anmeldung → Link

The MoFA award winner of 2021 Hannah Schubert MSc has recently published the results of her master thesis together with colleagues, in which hydrobioids of the NP Kalkalpen are also compared with others from Austria.

BIG THANKS again to all collectors!!!


Dear MoFa members and friends of malacology!

We are very pleased to announce the 3rd MoFA meeting! It will take place from 18-19 August 2023 in Lunz/See, Lower Austria. On Friday, 18.8., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in the lecture hall of the Wassercluster Lunz. On Saturday, 19.8., there will be a malacological excursion around the area of Lake Lunz, details will follow.

We are already looking forward to a diverse program of talks and to seeing many familiar and also new faces. The MoFA Junior Awards will also be presented for the third time during the conference.

Details on registration, accommodation and the excursion program will follow soon.

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology!

The compilation of issue 10 of our scientific journal ARIANTA is proceeding. In order to present the first prepared articles ahead of the publication of the definitive issue, we have placed “Early View” formats on our webpage for the first time. The intention behind this is to reduce the waiting time for authors and to offer readers the possibility of early information on current content. When the entire ARIANTA 10 is published, page numbers will be added to the articles for a proper citation. In line with our objectives, we would like to present our content as up-to-date as possible. We would be pleased if you share the link with others!

ARIANTA Early View

Dear MoFA members, dear friends of malacology!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023.

We are looking forward to many wonderful malacological events and especially to the 3rd MoFA meeting.

Dear friends of malacology,

we are pleased to share the 18th edition of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzburg.

We hope you enjoy reading!