Dear friends of malacology!

We are pleased to share with you the latest issue of the newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Haus der Natur, in which, among other things, the mollusk of the year is presented!

You can find the issue at the following link: .

We hope you enjoy reading it and wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas season!

With best regards
Hannah Schubert

The MoFA Conference 2021 took place in Vienna on the 23rd of September. The decision to organize this conference as a hybrid meeting (physically and online) was by no means an easy one for us. The arguments for and against were strong because planning was uncertain due to unpredictable developments of the Covid19 pandemic and the efforts necessary were not easy to assess.

In the end, we experienced a small but fine conference with about 40 participants and 11 presentations. The people physically present enjoyed being there, because in the past year we had built up a noticeable deficit in scientific and social meetings. On the other side, the virtual participants encouraged us, and we felt the scientific participation and personal sympathy and were encouraged to stick to this format: Those who can come personally are happy about it, those who can’t, still have the chance to be there online!

Purely “physical” was the excursion on Schneeberg mountain on the 2nd day. We experienced a violent storm of up to 100 km/h, with remarkable light and weather conditions, and the 11 participants enjoyed the autumnal mountains and turned their attention to the alpine snail fauna. We will report on this in ARIANTA.

We heartily congratulate the winners of the student awards, Hannah Schubert, Stephan Schulreich and Nikolaus Helmer, and thank everyone who participated. We are convinced that in the end we all were winners!



Dear MoFa members and friends of malacology!

The planning of the 2. MoFA meeting was somehow delayed due to covid19. Now we are happy to announce the date of the 2nd MoFA meeting on Thursday, 23. September 2021. The meeting will be online, which means that a participation including presentations will be possible via Zoom. In case the COVID19 situation allows, we will organize a hybrid meeting at the Natural History Museum Vienna. This will be decided in August.

Besides the scientific program on 23. September, we plan a field excursion on 24. September – if weather allows – to the Schneeberg, where we may find Cylindrus obtusus and other gastropods of the alpine zone. We may also visit interesting Clausiliid populations at Puchberg.

We hope to attract scientists at all stages of their scientific career to promote their networking. Contributions from all fields of malacology are welcome!

As with our first meeting, we announce that the MoFA Junior Award will be awarded for the participants in early career stage: For MSc as well as PhD studies two awards each will be given (each 300 € / 200 € for talk / short presentation).

Please spread this information among colleagues.
Conference language is English.
Please register and submit your contributions soon to allow proper planning; at the latest 31. July 2021.
We are looking forward to meeting you in September!

Details and Registration
Details und Registrierung

Dear friends of malacology!

We are pleased to distribute the program of the 2021 MoFA Meeting [updated 17th September 21]. The scientific meeting will be held physically as well as online via Zoom. The link will be sent out to the participants soon.

Registration is still possible today: team@molluskenforschung
Please see further information at our homepage.

Kind regards,
Hannah Schubert

Dear MoFA members and friends of malacology!

We are pleased to announce that the Annual Conference of the “Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft” will take place on 21. and 22. May 2021 as an online meeting. This is an opportunity for guests to take part without travelling and further costs. There are still open slots for presentations. The conference language is german.

Details can be found in the information file.

Dear friends of malacology!

On 25. June 2021, Oleg Mandic will introduce us into the seas of the Miocene in Lower Austria. We will meet the mollusc fauna of Nexing (Muschelberg), of the „Sandgrube Wohlmuth“ in Kleinebersdorf and at the Buchberg bei Mailberg. Finally we will visit the world’s largest fossil oyster reef, the „Fossilienwelt“ near Stetten.

You find further Information in the program.

Registration until 10. June at

If, due to Corona, the excursion cannot take place, we will fix an alternative date.

We look forward to your participation!

Dear friends of malacology!

In spring / summer 2021 we start with excursions again. The first one, on 28. May, will take us to Bad Fischau-Brunn. This market town is located at the border of two ecoregions, the Alps and the Pannonian Plain which, combined with the fact that several natural thermal springs emerge there, results in diverse terrestrial and aquatic habitats. A remarkable number of rare, endangered and sometimes even endemic species can be found there.

Under the guidance of Otto Moog, Alexander Mrkvicka, and Alexander Reischütz we will visit Bad Fischau-Brunn (thermal pond, dry grassland), the Eisenstein cave, the thermal bath Bad Fischau and the Warme Fischa.

You find more information in the program.

Registration until 10. May at

If, due to Corona, the excursion cannot take place, we will fix an alternative date.

We look forward to your participation!



With pleasure we announce to our members, friends and interested malacologists that the brand-new issue of our MoFA JournalArianta 8 – has just been published. Thanks to the commitment of the authors, reviewers, proofreaders and editors, we have succeeded in creating a work that, with its exciting and informative articles, is of benefit to our readers. We are also confident that this issue will provide a stimulus for potential authors for future submissions.

We wish you and us a successful 2021!

Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Patzner, R. A. (Eds.). (2020). Arianta 8. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. Download

Dear friends of malacology!

We had a pleasant small MoFA meeting last week on 8. July in Vienna and here is a small update!

  • Among other things we discussed possible excursions in summer and autumn (late August to October). One excursion might lead us to the Marchauen area in Lower Austria, the other one could take place in the flood detention basin of the Wien river. Also the spring snails at Bad Fischau, and the “Fossilienwelt Weinviertel” in Stetten and the “Krahuletz Museum” in Eggenburg would be options. Until yet ,these are just first suggestions and detailed information will follow. Concerning the programmes we are open to any ideas and suggestions.
  • We now extended the deadline for submissions for Arianta 8 until 31. August. Any contributions on malacological research are welcome (besides original articles, also reviews, smaller articles on species lists, interesting observations, hitherto unpublished valuable data on molluscs are welcome; Please contact Helmut Sattmann ( for submissions or any questions.
  • An important malacological project of the AG “Alpine Land Snails”, which is conducted at NHM Vienna, has started this year: “Inventory of molluscs in the rural areas of Vienna with special focus on FFH species and neo-biota”. At present, about 170-180 mollusc species are known in Vienna, 150-160 of which are snails and about 20 species of bivalves. This corresponds to slightly less than half of the 400 species of molluscs that are presently listed to occur in Austria. The last major survey was conducted more than 25 years ago and the planned project should provide important up-to-date data of the mollusc fauna of Vienna. The project is funded by the Austrian Programm für die ländliche Entwicklung LE20-40.
  • Finally, we would like to ask for help in our project on avian schistosome trematodes with cercariae causing dermatitis (in humans also called swimmers itch). These trematodes use several species of fresh-water molluscs as intermediate hosts and finally shed the infecting cercariae. We are searching for water bodies where presently cases of cercarial dermatitis were recorded. eDNA samples from such places could be used in our project as positive control. If you have any hints, please contact Christoph Hörweg (
  • The recent Newsletter of the „Malakologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Salzburg“ you find here.



Exkursionen MoFA Herbst 2020

Dear friends of malacology!

Two MoFA excursions are planned In late summer/autumn 2020:

On Friday, 28. August we will explore the malacofauna of the Wienfluss-Retention Basin in the 14. District. Due to the rich structure of this habitat caused by the dynamics that the Wien River creates, interesting insights into the mollusc fauna of Vienna can be expected. The locality may be reached by public transport (U4 line). We kindly ask you to register at by 20. August.

Furthermore, we will visit some selected sites in the March floodplains north of Marchegg on Friday, 25. September. Despite their diversity and natural uniqueness, the Marchauen are malacologically little studied and finds of rare species are not excluded. The exact points will be discussed with the responsible persons on site and determined in August. As for this excursion, it is hardly possible to reach the sites by public transport, we will organise transport by car. Please register by 1. September at and provide information whether you need a ride or can provide a carpool.