Dear MoFA members and friends of malacology!

For the exhibition “Streck die Fühler aus – Schnecken in ihrer vollen Pracht” (May 17, 2019 – March 1, 2020), two volumes of Denisia on molluscs will be published:

Aescht, E. (Ed.). (2019). Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. Denisia, 42, 1–688.
Blatterer, H. (2019). Mollusca of the Dahab region (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea). Denisia, 43, 1–480.

The Bologiezentrum and the printing house Plöchl have decided on a subscription period. You can find the prices and dates in the [pdf].

For the MoFA excursion on 17 May to the sources of the Water Supply Association of the Triestingtal and Southern Railway Municipalities there are still some places left. Registration is still possible until 5 May.

For the exhibition “Streck die Fühler aus”, which will open next week at the Biologiezentrum in Linz, the accompanying brochure is already available online. Members of MoFA, together with the colleagues in Linz, contributed significantly to the brochure in image and text. We are pleased that the cooperation was so constructive and that this beautiful publication was realized.

Sattmann, H., Aescht, E., Haring, E., Bisenberger, A. & Duda, M. (2019): Streck die Fühler aus. Schnecken in ihrere vollen Pracht. – Linz (Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums).

Dear colleagues and friends of malacology!

The deadline for registration and abstract submission for the 1st Meeting of the Society Mollusc Research Austria (MoFA) which will be held from 26-27 June 2019 in Salzburg, Austria, is extended until 15. May.. Submissions of poster presentations are still possible.

We are pleased to remind you that the MoFA Junior Award will be awarded for the best talk and the best poster of participants in early careers (e.g., MSc and PhD studies).

More details can be found at our webpage:

Society Mollusc Research Austria 1st Annual Meeting: 26th – 27th June 2019

See you in June in Salzburg!

Cepaea nemoralis

We would like to draw your attention to the recently published comprehensive bibliography of the literature Mollusks of Austria, which Alexander Reischütz, Peter L. Reischütz and Wolfgang Fischer compiled.

Reischütz, A., Reischütz, P. L., & Fischer, W. (2019). Bibliographie nach linneischer Literatur über die Mollusken Österreichs, II. (Stand 31. Dez. 2018). Erste Vorarlberger Malakologische Gesellschaft.

Part of the literature listed in that work can also be found (partly for download) on our literature page.
Further entries for our literature page are welcome (E-Mail:


The first MoFA Meeting is approaching!
Date: 26th and 27th June 2019 in Salzburg
Your early registration facilitates the smooth planning of the meeting!
Registration deadline and abstract submission: April 30th, 2019 → to the conference page

Contributions from all areas of malacology are welcome.

We are pleased to announce that the MoFA Junior Award will be awarded for the best talk and the best poster of participants in early careers (e.g., MSc and PhD studies). → read more!



Dear Colleagues and friends of malacology,

we heartily invite you to the 1st Meeting of the Society Mollusc Research Austria (MoFA) which will be held from 26th-27th June 2019 in Salzburg, Austria.

Besides the scientific program with talks and posters on 26th June at the Haus der Natur in Salzburg, we plan a field excursion in the surroundings of Salzburg on 27th June. Enough time shall remain for discussions and scientific exchange. We hope to attract scientists at all stages of their scientific career to promote their networking. Contributions from all fields of malacology are welcome! Please distribute this announcement among colleagues.
Conference language will be English.

More details can be found here.

Organized by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Moog an excursion to the Triestingtal will take place on May 17th, 2019.

The Water Supply Association of the Triestingtal and Southern Railway Municipalities draws drinking water for 150,000 inhabitants of the Vienna Basin from various sources, such as artesian wells, fracture springs, fissure springs, surface water or deep wells. Mr. Ing. Wolfgang Hiltl, Deputy Director of the Triestingtal and Southern Railway Municipalities (WLV), accompanies us as an expert guide and gives us the opportunity to gain an insight into the nature of the drinking water supply and to visit some springs. more: [MoFA excursion Triestingtal] pdf

We would like to thank the Wasserleitungsverband der Triestingtal- und Südbahngemeinden for the kind permission to use these photos.

• A newsletter of the Malakologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Salzburg has been published recently with interesting reports and beautiful photos (
(download Newsletter)

• A review of the Alpine Land Snails Working Group for the year 2018 can be found on
more (Looking back at 2018)

• On 07.01.2019 the 2nd MoFA General Assembly took place at NHM Vienna. We exchanged information and discussed details on excursions and the first MoFA conference. The previous board was re-elected. Fortunately, the number of members increased in 2018.


• Save the date: The 1. MoFa-Meeting will be held in Salzburg in „Haus der Natur“ on 26.06.-27.06.2019. Details will follow soon!

17.05.2019 – 01.03.2020 Streck die Fühler aus – Schnecken in ihrer vollen Pracht
Exhibition about biology, ecology and systematics of snails at Biologiezentrum Linz MoFA will organise an excursion to this exhibition. Date and details will follow soon!

07.- 10.06.2019: 58. Spring meeting of the „Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft“ in Hoppstädten-Weiersbach.


11.-16.08.2019 World Congress of Malacology: Asilomar conference grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA

Infos and registration:

We wish you a happy new year 2019!

A longlasting controversy about the generic affiliation of the Austrian endemic Cylindrus obtusus recently came to an end.

According to some authors, the generic name Cylindrus Fitzinger, 1833 should be considered as invalid as it is pre-occupied by Cylindrus Batsch, 1789 und Cylindrus Deshayes, 1824. A counterargument was put forward that these names are unused and were partly incorrectly applied. Cylindrus Fitzinger, 1833 is a younger synonyme of Cochlopupa Jan, 1830. Nevertheless, the latter name has also never been used in traditional nomenclature. The subsequent controversies amongst zoologists led to an application at the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) in 2015

In January 2019 the ICZN decided to conserve the name Cylindrus Fitzinger, 1833 and suppress all other names mentioned before ( Therefore, no generic changes are done for this well-known, monotypic genus which is a model for Alpine endemism in gastropods.