
Save-the-date – 4. MoFA-Meeting, 26.–27. September 2025
UpdatesWe are very pleased to announce the 4th MoFA meeting! It will take place from 26-27 September 2025 in Linz, Upper Austria. On Friday 26.9., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in the Biology Center Linz. On Saturday 27.9., there…

Lecture “Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln”
Events, UpdatesThe zoologist and landscape planner Dr. Michael Duda will give a talk (in German) at the Haus des Meeres in Vienna on the subject
Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln
Monday 20. March 2023 at 18:30
Haus des…

Save-the-date – 3. MoFA Meeting, 18.-19. August 2023
EventsDear MoFa members and friends of malacology!
We are very pleased to announce the 3rd MoFA meeting! It will take place from 18-19 August 2023 in Lunz/See, Lower Austria. On Friday, 18.8., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in…

UpdatesFr, 28. 2. 2020, 7.00 p.m. Christa FRANK
Humans and mollusks - a comprehensive topic affecting a wide variety of areas of life. It is not only the fascinating beauty of the shells that are washed ashore at coasts not…

DARWIN-DAY 2020: Strategien der Langsamen – Evolutionsforschung an alpinen Landschnecken | Vortrag Schlossmuseum Linz
11. October 2019 MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in their full splendor” in the Biology Centre in Linz, Upper Austria
2:00 pm Guided tour through the mollusc collection in the depository of the Upper Austrian Museum in Linz
Meeting point in front of Lindengasse 7 in 4040 Linz
4:00 pm Biology Centre Linz, visit of the current exhibition "Stretch…

MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in all their glory
UpdatesDear friends of malacology!
In the course of the accompanying programme of the exhibition "Stretch out your feelers!" - Snails in all their glory (17. 05.2019 – 01. 03.2020 at Biology Centre Linz) there will be several mollusk-related activities,…