
Gastropoden bei der Ausstellung „Streck die Fühler aus“ des Biodiversitätszentrum Linz 2019, © MoFA© MoFA

Save-the-date – 4. MoFA-Meeting, 26.–27. September 2025

We are very pleased to announce the 4th MoFA meeting! It will take place from 26-27 September 2025 in Linz, Upper Austria. On Friday 26.9., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in the Biology Center Linz. On Saturday 27.9., there…
Caucasotachaea vindobonensis, Foto A. MRKVICKA Alex Mrkvicka

Lecture “Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln”

The zoologist and landscape planner Dr. Michael Duda will give a talk (in German) at the Haus des Meeres in Vienna on the subject Neu erforscht – das Schicksal der Wiener Schnecken und Muscheln Monday 20. March 2023  at 18:30 Haus des…
Lunzer See ©NHM WienNHM Wien

Save-the-date – 3. MoFA Meeting, 18.-19. August 2023

Dear MoFa members and friends of malacology! We are very pleased to announce the 3rd MoFA meeting! It will take place from 18-19 August 2023 in Lunz/See, Lower Austria. On Friday, 18.8., the scientific part of the meeting will take place in…


Fr, 28. 2. 2020, 7.00 p.m. Christa FRANK Humans and mollusks - a comprehensive topic affecting a wide variety of areas of life. It is not only the fascinating beauty of the shells that are washed ashore at coasts not…

11. October 2019 MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in their full splendor” in the Biology Centre in Linz, Upper Austria

Program: 2:00 pm Guided tour through the mollusc collection in the depository of the Upper Austrian Museum in Linz Meeting point in front of Lindengasse 7 in 4040 Linz 4:00 pm Biology Centre Linz, visit of the current exhibition "Stretch…

MoFA lecture in the course of the exhibition “Stretch out your feelers!” – Snails in all their glory

Dear friends of malacology! In the course of the accompanying programme of the exhibition "Stretch out your feelers!" - Snails in all their glory (17. 05.2019 – 01. 03.2020 at Biology Centre Linz) there will be several mollusk-related activities,…